Time To Choose A Private High School For Your Student? 4 Tips To Help You Choose The Right One

If you're in the process of finding a private school for your high school student, you want to make sure you find one that's the right fit – for you and your student. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which one will be best-suited for your student. Choosing the wrong high school can undermine your student's academic future. Before you settle on a school, here are four steps that will help ensure you choose the right one.

Know the School's Educational Statistics

When it comes to choosing a private high school for your student, one of the first things you should do is find out the school's educational statistics. The education statistics will help you identify how a particular school fares against other schools of their size. Some of the areas you'll be able to determine through educational statistics include the following:

  • SAT/ACT scores – how well students do when compared to other school averages
  • Accelerated learning programs – level of participation in AP courses
  • National Merit standings – how many seniors have been recognized for scholastic achievement

Identify the Level of Engagement between Teachers and Students

Once you've narrowed your search down based on educational statistics, you'll want to look at the level of engagement between teachers and students. Schools that offer lower teacher/student ratios will be able to provide for better engagement opportunities within the classroom. You'll also want to find out if teachers provide opportunities for one-on-one learning beyond regular class time, such as either before or after school. These opportunities for one-on-one time will allow teachers to gain better knowledge of your student, which will be beneficial when it comes time to have teachers write letters of recommendation to colleges.

Consider Extracurricular Activities

When it comes time for your student to apply to college, they'll want to have plenty of extracurricular activities to list on their applications. That can be difficult when high schools don't provide those opportunities. While you're choosing a high school for your student, be sure to consider opportunities for participation. This should include scholastic clubs and student government organizations.

Determine College Acceptance Statistics

If your student is planning on attending a four-year university once they graduate from high school, you want to make sure that the school you choose has a high success rate for admissions. When choosing a high school, ask for information regarding the types of universities their students are applying to, as well as the statistics for successful admissions to those universities.

Don't take chances with your student's education. The information provided here will help you choose the right private school for your student. 

About Me

Learning for Life: An Education Blog

As a parent, you want to raise kids who can succeed in the ever changing world. That means that they need to learn a lot through their education, but on top of that, they also need to develop a life long love of learning. That ensures that they can keep up with current events, be open to retraining as needed, and embrace the constantly changing job market. This blog is all about education with a healthy emphasis on creating lifelong learners. I may even delve into advice on how to foster lifelong learning by example -- so get ready to get inspired to help your kids learn more and to potentially learn more yourself. Thanks for reading!



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