Is Your Child Ready For A Private School Playdate/Interview?

Part of the admissions process for some private schools is a playdate. Young applicants, such as kindergarteners, are invited to the school to interact with other children and staff. The playdate is used to gauge your child's social skills, temperament, and language. If your child has a playdate scheduled at a private school, here is what you need to know.  

Can You Stay for the Playdate? 

Whether or not you are allowed to remain on the sidelines for your child's playdate depends on the private school. Some schools do allow parents to remain nearby and observe their child. Others do not.  

If you are allowed to stay, it is important that you understand that the admissions counselor is likely observing you, too. He or she wants to know what kind of parent you are. For instance, the counselor could be looking for signs that you will be an actively involved parent if your child is accepted. If your interactions with your child, staff, and other children seems to be standoffish and less than accommodating, it could be more challenging for your child to be accepted.  

At the same time, the counselor wants to learn more about your child's ability to focus, transition, and follow directions. The counselor also is looking for possible issues that could make it difficult for your child to succeed at the school. If there is an issue, the counselor can determine whether or not the school is equipped to help your child overcome it and succeed.  

What Can You Do to Prepare Your Child? 

It is unlikely that you will be able to give your child a list of dos and don'ts for the playdate and he or she remember. However, there are things you can do to make sure your child is at his or her best for the playdate.  

For instance, you can practice the experience with your child. During the playdate, your child will likely be expected to play with toys, books, and crafts. He or she will also be expected to help with putting away supplies and could even have a period of time in which a teacher will read or sing with the group. At home, you can have a playdate with your child and friends to help him or her understand what is going to happen. 

During the practice, talk to your child about the importance of each task. For instance, you could stress to your child how important it is to be nice to others and talk about some ways to do that. For more information, contact companies like International School of MN.

About Me

Learning for Life: An Education Blog

As a parent, you want to raise kids who can succeed in the ever changing world. That means that they need to learn a lot through their education, but on top of that, they also need to develop a life long love of learning. That ensures that they can keep up with current events, be open to retraining as needed, and embrace the constantly changing job market. This blog is all about education with a healthy emphasis on creating lifelong learners. I may even delve into advice on how to foster lifelong learning by example -- so get ready to get inspired to help your kids learn more and to potentially learn more yourself. Thanks for reading!



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